Sunday, May 23, 2010

so it goes

The greatest thing Shakespeare wrote was "he died." because thats simply it. death is not something extravagant to make a big fuss over, for it is simply death. another stage it the process that we all go through. its peaceful. so "he died" is the best way to write it. so it goes.

Monday, May 10, 2010

shining eyes

music has been used to help people open their minds and create joyful harmonies that bring out the best in themselves and their colleagues.
majority of people think classical music is dying. some say you havent seen nothing yet. 45% are passionate about classical music. there is a bigger group that contains people who dont mind classical music. and the last group never listens to classical music. unfortunatly, the third group is the largest.
some people claim to be tone deaf. all of you "tone deaf" people, stop lying, no one is tone deaf. we all have a wonderful ear. otherwise, how can you tell someone with an american accent and someone with a russian accent apart.
deceptive cadence, where everyone can tell what the next note will be. take Chopin for example, his piece wants to go B to E. he lengthens out till we find home (E). We all know where home is. Stop thinking about every single detail in life and take a look at the big picture, longline vision.
a conductor gets much of the credit for a piece of music. it depends on the conductors power to make the power of the music. to awaken possibilities in other people. if you achieve this, you will know. how? if you get shining eyes your doing it. if not, who am i being that my childrens eyes are not shining.
it truly makes a difference what we say. never say anything if it cant be the last thing you ever say.
classical music is for everyone, even you, you just dont know it yet.
TEDWEBSITE Benjamin Zander, professor at New England Conservatory and conductor of Boston Philharmonic.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

an email will do

im thinking about sending you an email. text messages dont hold enough space and calling you well i dont want to interrupt your fabulous life so an email will do. i cant sleep i cant think. i cant do anything now because i know that you're gone. i knew this had to happen sooner or later i just didnt want to face it. i use to wish that you had remembered. remembered us and the moments you probably dont think much about, but they're the moments that i hold so dear to my heart. life goes on and we meet other people. i guess i just wished my life would be some fairy tale and happiness could be found again, but life isnt so. but if your happy. if your happy with how things are then ok because i want you to be happy. u deserve it. u deserve it more than anyone i know. if this makes you happy i understand. ill be gone dont worry about me. just give me one email will be the last you hear from me. an email will do.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

thats me

you make me so mad. you say you want me to be happy, but you really dont. you could care less about my happiness. you hate that we dont share the same dream. you hate im not everything you ever wanted or hoped for. you hate im not a straight A student, that i have other priorities, that i think life is too short to spend it studying constantly. you cant stand me. you wish i wanted to be a doctor. you wish i wanted to be in the medical field. you wish i wanted to be anything but that. i dont want to be a doctor. i dont want to be in the medical field. i want to grow up and be that. That thing you hate. Thats me. all you care about is money. how much one makes. well i dont. i could care less if im living in a magnificant house or a shabby aparment because i will be happy. i will be me and do what i want. so you go ahead and complain and bash my idenity because i dont care. no matter what you say i will always be the one thing that you hate. because thats me.